In the spirit of the season


  1. Ymar Sakar5:11 PM

    Okay, I see how that works.

  2. Yeah, almost too true to be funny.

  3. Eric Blair12:31 AM

    I've been watching the rhetorical grenades being thrown all over FB. It ain't pretty.

  4. Facebook? What's that?

  5. Ymar Sakar3:24 AM

    It's an intel profile designed to locate HVTs, High Value Targets. Except the HVTs fill in the info themselves for their profile.

  6. It's an opportunity to realize how badly your opponents misunderstand you, plus (should you be foolish) an additional opportunity to come to recognize how impossible it is to explain what they've missed in grasping your position.

  7. Sometimes it is hopeless- there needs to be a core cultural commonality for explanations to take.
    Metaphorically speaking, it is difficult to explain how to figure area if your questioner does not know how to multiply.

  8. Ymar Sakar7:47 AM

    an additional opportunity to come to recognize how impossible it is to explain what they've missed in grasping your position.

    It's the diff between talking to a CEO that has decision making authority vs talking to a pre programmed computer on the phone, in an Indian accent.

    Human society is not equal, there is a hierarchy and it does matter.

  9. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Giggle, giggle, giggle.

    Except the preacher at my church unloaded both barrels recently about Facebook fights and the idea that posting a meme is not serious, adult discussion of differences and problems. Part of me wonders what triggered the Jeremiad, and the rest of me is glad not to be involved in anti-social media.

