From social media



  1. Speaking of social media, I saw a man assert the other day that the very fact that you're thinking of shooting others to prevent having your guns taken away proves that you should have your guns taken away.

    It's a very different country they live in that, somehow, shares physical borders with ours.

  2. raven7:27 PM

    May his chains weigh lightly on him.

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I would point out that they intend to take your guns away using people with guns. So really that argument just sort of leaps up and bites them as well.

  4. Ymar Sakar8:07 PM

    They outsourced that job to the Thomas Paines and other rabblerousers. People should do what they are good at or what their station in life allows them. Well, before the war changes things.

  5. Ymar Sakar8:10 PM

    Not necessarily. The Islamic Jihad and migrant death squads they will employ, won't always use guns. As Israel has demonstrated.

    In terms of tactical deployment, 5 million fanatic Muslims with rocks and knives, is more effective and covers more ground than a terror squad of 5 elite commandos that have to work day and night to clear up execution lists.

    5 million provides tactical flexibility and terror management. 5 elites can always have "accidents" sooner or later.
