Froggy Used To Call These "Security Rounds"

On stopping active shooters.

A reasonable person might well expect a suicide vest from someone engaged in an essentially terrorist act. We haven't seen them deployed in active shooting situations in America usually, but they're commonly deployed overseas. There's no reason it shouldn't become common here, really.


  1. I am quite sure the current administration would charge a person with murder for doing as recommended. There is a kerfuffle in Britain right now because some trooper in contact with the enemy shot a wounded taliban - he is facing severe prison time for it. Absolutely nuts.

  2. Ymar Sakar4:41 PM

    We haven't seen them deployed in active shooting situations in America usually, but they're commonly deployed overseas.

    The FBI are usually very good at tracking explosives ordinance and creation, ever since McVeigh. They even have fake websites setup and agents online negotiating for the buying and selling of explosives and bombs, which is how they caught the Hussein staff worker in California, the Democrat, with home made bombs in his home. Wonder what he was going to use that for...

    Of course, once CAIR begins issuing orders to the FBI to "ignore" certain things, the inevitable will follow. As it already has.

  3. My wife was complaining just the other night about how her streptocarpus plants don't respond to the safer fertilizers that have come into regular use since McVeigh.

  4. Ymar Sakar6:02 PM

    The water can be changed to promote better plant growth.

    Grander water is the one that would apply in this situation, for promoting plant growth. 30 minutes into the second vid.

    I did my own mini experiments using some essential oils and trying to generate electric fields by putting a finger in the water and applying pressure, piezoelectric in the bones. But I don't grow a lot of plants in pots so it would be difficult to see any difference.
