C'mon. The Boy's Name is "Tomahawk."

A Sacramento, California, mom who let her 4-year-old son play outside at a playground 120 feet from her home was arrested. Her neighbors called 911 when they saw the kid outside. While many people might think four is too young for a boy to be outside on his own, the bigger question is: Is this a criminal offense? And doesn't the boy's mother have the right to make that choice?

The boy (whose name is Tomahawk) was in a gated apartment complex and on a playground. He's an outdoorsy kid who loves exploring and sounds like he can take care of himself fairly well.
When a boy's name is Tomahawk, he has probably been raised well enough to handle a playground in a gated community.


  1. raven1:15 AM

    The deadwood is stacking up fast in this country. When the fire starts, it will burn all in it's path.

  2. Ymar Sakar2:57 AM

    Years ago, people would have said "that didn't happen in my generation" and then they would take their mind off matters and continue to pretend the Leftist alliance doesn't exist or has no power.

    Now a days people still try it... but they fail. The pain is too much for them to ignore. It's not like they got used to it.

  3. I'm trying to wrap my mind around the idea of calling 911 because you see a kid playing alone.

  4. It's for the children, Tex.

    Eric Hines

  5. You know, given that most of us played unsupervised, in the woods, with only the guidance to return home "before the sun went down" (or "when the streetlights came on" depending on where you lived), it's a wonder any of us are alive, eh?

  6. ...it's a wonder any of us are alive, eh?

    Well, clearly we're all terribly warped from that upbringing, Mike.

    Eric Hines

  7. I had a dog and a machete as a boy. I felt perfectly safe.

  8. Well, clearly we're all terribly warped from that upbringing, Mike.

    I guess what really shocks me is that the parents, law enforcement, and social services people that blithely wish to punish someone else for raising a child in a manner that they themselves (the parents, law enforcement, and social services people) were raised is astonishing. How can you have been raised to be independent and play unsupervised then go on in later life to decide that a child left in their neighborhood without supervision for twenty minutes is a crime is simply beyond me.

  9. Maybe they felt neglected growing up?
