Chivalry and "Non-New-Agey Spirituality"

This site looks at first glance like the least likely place you'd expect to find an essay on the glories of chivalry and masculinity, and yet...
The gallantry of a fully expressed man is without compare, and that fully expressed masculinity becomes attractive rather than threatening when a woman knows that her man would not only lay his coat over a puddle for her, or raise his voice to defend her, but that he’d put his body in front of hers to protect her.


  1. raven8:17 PM

    In the recent attacks in Paris, a French-African man did exactly that- stopped rounds with his body to save a waitress at a coffee shop.
    There is a place on the Roster of Hero's for him.

  2. We used to do "Someone You Should Know" at BLACKFIVE. He would be a worthy candidate.

  3. Ymar Sakar3:18 AM

    It's funny when a culture gets destroyed while a lot of people think nothing too bad is happening. Then they wake up one day... and they say to people like Ymar, "why didn't you tell me so".

    Future historians 1000 years will be thinking, "what were those people in the 20th and 21st century even thinking".
