ACLU: This 'Hurtful Speech' Policing Is A Bit Much

In fairness, you guys helped to call down the thunder. Still, it's good to see you getting it right now.
The ACLU of Missouri is disappointed with the recent request by the University of Missouri Police to report ‘hurtful speech,’ which simultaneously does too much and too little.

Racial epithets addressed to a specific person in a threatening or intimidating manner can be illegal, and may require action by police and/or university administrators. But, no governmental entity has the authority to broadly prohibit ‘hurtful’ speech — or even undefined ‘hateful’ speech, or to discipline against it.

Conversely, institutional racism and a history of turning a blind-eye to systemic inequities does require action. But mistakenly addressing symptoms — instead of causes — and doing it in a way that runs counter to the First Amendment is not the wise or appropriate response.


  1. Cue the outrage mob calling for boycotting the ACLU in 3, 2...

  2. No outrage. This is the ACLU. These are only words, for public consumption. They're not talking to the Left.

    Eric Hines

  3. Is this the "ankle biters" and the "butt sniffers" club realizing that they are devouring their own, at long last? Does anyone doubt that the university officials, who resigned, had been properly patronizing to the "less advantaged", and gushing all the "right" platitudes and cliches, up til now?

  4. Remember when the ACLU would defend the right of NeoNazis to parade in Skokie Illinois, despite the fact they found their message abhorrent?

  5. Ymar Sakar9:03 AM

    Let them burn. Clearing out the dead wood is necessary for a Re Evolution of the system.
