Ten Seconds to Midnight

Unconfirmed reports indicate Turkey may have shot down a Russian fighter that violated its airspace. If you've been watching the news, there have been two recent reports that Russian fighters (or possibly Syrian ones -- it is unclear that Russia is operating MiG29s in the area) had locked on to Turkish fighters for extended periods this last week. Turkey's patience with such antics may have worn out.

Turkey, where bombs targeting pro-democracy protesters killed at least 97 today, is dangerously unstable and can ill-afford to appear weak. Russian provocation may have run up on a target that has less to lose from fighting back than from not fighting back. Still, Turkey is a NATO "ally" -- in fact, they've stabbed us in the back several times -- and we are at least in theory obligated to respond to an attack on Turkey as we would to an attack on the United States.

Oh, by the way, remember how we discussed a few months ago how the US would be without an aircraft carrier in the region for the first time in recent history? That aircraft carrier just left the area. Russian naval vessels have been pouring in, however.


  1. Ymar Sakar8:16 PM

    Good thing the warmonger Bush II leader of the fascist imperium isn't around. Or else things might really dangerous and warmonger like.

  2. I'm not sure the Russians have loaded MiG-29s into Syria, just a number of Su-30s and MiG-31s.

    As to the demonstration bombing, my bet is on Erdogan as the one ordering the thing.

    Eric Hines

  3. That seems likely.

  4. Seems like Obama has fully embraced the 'let it burn' position. Too bad that he doesn't realize how quickly some fires can go fully out of control.

  5. Ymar Sakar8:36 AM

    Oh, by the way, remember how we discussed a few months ago how the US would be without an aircraft carrier in the region for the first time in recent history?

    That's some flexibility there. After the elections, that is. I wonder if Putin will appreciate it.

    Next thing we'll know, that carrier gets sunk or attacks some Chinese targets, coincidentally.

    Then Hussein declares emergency rule and the crazies really come out.
