Quiz for Fun

What historic military leader are you most like?

I got Gustavus Adolphus.


  1. raven9:42 PM

    Nelson, but there was no option for Attila. Or the Khan of Khans. Or Hideoshi.

  2. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Rommel. I was hoping for Prince Eugen von Savoy.


  3. Julius Caesar for me.

    Eric Hines

  4. Julius Caesar as well

  5. Richard the Lionheart.

  6. Results said Caesar, Sun Tzu and Nelson made similar decisions as I did. Hmmmmm..... very not bad, IM(ns)HO.

  7. In fairness, you're guaranteed a pretty good result by the structure of the quiz. What I want is a quiz that will identify Adolphus or Rommel, but also Barack Obama. ("You are a complete disaster as a military leader. It's like you're trying to lose.")

  8. I also got Gustavus Adolphus.

    For your proposed quiz, Grim, you could only be describing actions taken at a great distance, such as "You ignore the advice of your senior commanders and do nothing, devoting your attention to the battle space within the government, so that you may blame your opponents whatever happens."

  9. DLSly6:44 PM

    Or, "You have a battalion of fresh, mission-specific trained Marines ready to deploy to a forward arena. Do you:
    Send the battalion to the arena for which they were trained and thereby allow units that have been in theatre for over a year to return home to decompress, recouperate and prepare for future return to battle.
    Or do you send them to an entirely different area - one for which they have had no training - for a completely different mission, and then send another unrested, untrained battalion to the arena where the first was originally supposed to go -- resulting in catastrophic injuries and casualties for both."

  10. Do they have a quiz for traitors?.... Perhaps we are trying to use the wrong tool to evaluate...

  11. Eric Blair1:10 PM

    Richard the Lionheart. Heh.
