Let's not be hasty

From Ralph Peters:
Want to know how low we’ve sunk? The president of France just repeated his demand that Assad has to go. Secretary of State John Kerry, following the pattern of his surrender to the Iranians, has already said that, well, maybe Assad can stay for a while until there’s a “managed transition.”
Never before has a US presidential administration combined such naked cowardice, intellectual arrogance and willful blindness. We don’t have a president — we have a scared child covering his eyes at a horror movie. And Putin knows it.


  1. I don't know that I agree that Putin "has to" destroy or humiliate his enemies. He just knows it's an effective way to turn a short term victory into a long term one. Winning today is good. Convincing your enemies to feel terrified of crossing you ever again is much better. The best thing of all is to follow that up as the US did back after WWII: with magnanimity in victory, such that they not only fear to cross you but realize they benefit from your friendship as well.

    So, it's not a psychological tick. It's just a good strategic habit, such that if the opportunity presents itself it is not to be left undone.

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Putin is doing exactly what Obama expects and wants, as is Iran and China. Obama and his various advisors have made it clear that the US is, in their opinion, a force for murderous colonialism, worldwide. They want to put an end to Pax Americana. It is readily foreseeable that, as America discards its influence, other regional powers will step in. The losses of lives, property and liberty are just a bunch of statistics, in the larger progress toward a shiny new world order, where the Best and the Brightest will rule us proles.

    Putin may be an old KGB SOB, but he he is loyal to his own country, and concerned about the lives and prosperity of his own countrymen. In this he is head and shudders above Obama, regardless of what the photographs show.


  3. The best thing of all is to follow that up as the US did back after WWII: with magnanimity in victory....

    Keep in mind that first we utterly destroyed our enemy in WWII. The magnanimity we showed was toward what we built on the ashes.

    Putin has a clear firing solution on this administration.

    Eric Hines

  4. Ymar Sakar9:37 AM

    There is no Pax America any more.

    Hasn't been since 2007

    Putin may be an old KGB SOB, but he he is loyal to his own country

    Certainly and almost assuredly is true. I think Putin once remarked about who the communist totalitarian regime is now a days in the world, looking at the USSA.
