I'm Sorry I Missed the Irish Breakfast Special

Clicked a link on Instapundit that led to an online war between the White Moose Cafe and the worldwide cabal of vegans. It's a funny way to start your Tuesday.

Also, educational: I found out in the comments that "vegan" is an old Indian word for "bad hunter."


  1. The Irish Mixed Grill is glorious. There's a vegetable in it somewhere, as I recall.

  2. All meat has vegetables in it. Where do you think meat comes from?

    Eric Hines

  3. Well, we won't hold that against it, Grim. Unless it tastes better that way.

    All farming requires killing. If you don't, the bugs and rodents will eat everything.

  4. All meat has vegetables in it.

    Mmmm ... I see a future "I'm a vegetarian" joke coming up in my future.

  5. I suppose at least some meat has vegetables in it in that sense, although there are pure predators. But perhaps they're getting their vegetables, just at one more remove...

  6. Tom, Garrison Keillor noticed that the young, healthy vegetarians he saw at restaurants did look tastier than th others.
