Hillary Clinton Had No State Department Computer?

Powerline wonders if she was ever really Secretary of State:
Given her detachment from official means of communication, one wonders whether Hillary was ever really Secretary of State at all. Did she make any decisions? If so, what were they? We know that she plotted politically to make the overthrow of Qaddafi the centerpiece of her tenure at State, but we only know this because of her enraptured, off-the-record correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal and other sycophants.

If she ever had a strategy, if she ever engaged in diplomacy, if she ever made a decision, it seems to have left no trace. Maybe she didn’t need a State Department computer because she was never really Secretary of State at all. Maybe she thought the position was honorary, like being First Lady. Just one more rung on her ladder to the top.


  1. Of course she was Sec'y of State! She flew millions of miles!

  2. I wonder how many she flew as First Lady?

  3. That is a remarkable observation. I think you have hit on something deeply representative of her whole understanding of government, and of life.

  4. Eric Blair1:15 PM

    I agree, AVI, I think Grim is on to something there.

  5. Ymar Sakar5:46 PM

    Huma and Valerie are the ones with a lot of power. They are part of the Shadow gov, or what people are now calling the Deep State.

    The bureaucracies already had a system setup, however.
