Heads on Swivels

The FBI issues its strongest warning yet about terror attacks against American military at home.


  1. The FBI and DHS recommend that current and former members of the military review their online social media accounts for any information that might serve to attract the attention of ISIL [ISIS] and its supporters," the federal bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies said....

    Bull. I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home, nor am I going to avoid attracting attention from Daesh in any of my writings.

    Heads on swivels, indeed, though.

    Eric Hines

  2. raven7:50 PM

    Let's just hope the OPM files are only in the hands of the Chinese. People should have been shot for that loss.

  3. That warning is from last December. Nonetheless, I'm sure it all still holds.

    Dakota Meyer's response was awesome.

  4. I hate when old news comes across my desk.

  5. "News" actually comes from the plural of "new". So by definition, if it's old, it can't be news.

  6. It can be news to me. (The French for "news" is actualité: things which are actually happening, or as Le Monde puts it, en ce moment.)

  7. Ymar Sakar8:29 PM


    I posted this link on the net some odd years ago, but he's still training people in the old ways of H2H.

    Why is this relevant? Well, because when Islamic Jihad comes to scout out military family targets... they aren't going to merely use a death squad van. They will scout it out and like Nidal Hasan did, they might even be wearing a uniform while doing so...

    So many cases, it won't be a clear cut case of shoot or not shoot. It gets grayish and fuzzy. They can approach and you must allow them to approach or else. In that situation, options are needed. Options better than mowing people down with semi autos at least.

  8. Ymar Sakar8:33 PM

    The FBI has reportedly warned service members to scrub their social media accounts of any information connecting them with the U.S. military to avoid being targeted by the Islamic State terrorist group, which wants to kill U.S. troops in their homes.

    Certain kinds of people already knew to scrub their records. Starting from, say, 2001.

    What kind of people?

    Crazy paranoid ones. You know, the usual.

  9. New or old, always good to be reminded to be aware and ready.
