D29 in Georgia

I had an opportunity to sit down for lunch with our own D29. We met at a pizza joint that happens to share a birthplace and year with me, the "Mellow Mushroom." I think it's the best pizza in Georgia, although you can now get it in many cities in other states.

I was somewhat amused because he was worried that it would be hard for us to recognize each other. I told him, "You won't have any trouble recognizing me. I'll be the biker with the big beard, and the jacket painted with my coat of arms." Though I make no attempt to stand out from the crowd, I've noticed that I have only the smallest potential to blend into any given social background.

The conversation was pleasant, treating not only religion and politics but history and places worth visiting across the United States. It was good to meet one of our long-standing companions over a good meal, and on a fine October afternoon.


  1. I am certainly jealous. Were my work schedule such that I could drive out to the Athens area some day, I would rate such a meeting a singular pleasure.

  2. You're very generous. I would certainly be happy to have the occasion to meet.

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    AH yes, the Mellow Mushroom. We called it "payday pizza" because we usually ordered the almost-too-cheap-to-be-edible college local most of the time. Mellow Mushroom was for special occasions. :)


  4. Ymar Sakar8:56 AM

    Though I make no attempt to stand out from the crowd, I've noticed that I have only the smallest potential to blend into any given social background.

    That's not very good spycraft blending.
