Steve 'N' Seagulls vs. the Finland Women's National Ice Hockey Team

I'm kind of off in the academic version of a cage match at the moment, but randomly ran into this and had to share. I think we've seen the Steve 'N' Seagulls before, so here the Finnish bluegrass metal cover band is again. The real fun starts about halfway in.

And "Itchy Fingers," because -- flaming bagpipes.


  1. Son! Up to the point that they started singing, that was awesome.

  2. Also: you don't ever have to justify Great Highland Bagpipes or Irish Warpipes on this site. I think we all understand the relevance to the Hall.

  3. I liked it. Of course, not only do I like bluegrass, I married a European, and I love hockey...

  4. Yeah, the video really has two distinct parts. The music is far better before the singing starts, but the visuals are funnier after.

    Although, skiing behind the tractor looks like fun.
