Invincible ignorance

H/t Bookworm Room:


  1. It all sounds so familiar.

    I've had versions of this conversation several times. "Those videos were frauds, and Fiorina's comments were lies." "Did you see the videos?" "No, of course not. They were frauds."

  2. Ymar Sakar5:29 PM

    I'm sure those Demoncrat city dwellers were just 'using their free will and satisfying their self interest', Grim, as you've tried to claim many times before about blacks in cities.

  3. I have no idea what was supposed to be wrong about Fiorina's description, but I must say that her remarks interested me in her candidacy more than anything's she said up to that point. Just the fact that she was capable of being outraged by the scenes she described was refreshing. If she was conflating scenes, well, yawn.

  4. ... 'using their free will and satisfying their self interest', Grim, as you've tried to claim many times before about blacks in cities.

    I think it was once, but let's make it twice. I believe that our fellow citizens who are black, even though they often live in cities, are rational beings with free will and the same capacity for self-interest that you or I have. Your penchant for denying that strikes me as saying something much worse about your mind than theirs. Nevertheless, I've never insisted that anyone agree with me as a condition of participating in our discussions. I only insist that you treat the others in the Hall with courtesy.

  5. I have no idea what was supposed to be wrong about Fiorina's description...

    If you follow the last link in the post, there's a comprehensive account of the criticisms that were raised about what she said, as well as defenses of it.

  6. Grim, I don't see any links in this post or to the original post ... though I could just Google up the Bookworm Room, if I were a highly motivated individual.

    So ...

    but there are no links in that post, either. Which link were you referring to?

  7. That was my oversight! Sorry, sometimes I forget to link the h/t info. But the place I found some links that explained what the videos are about was a good Mollie Hemingway article, still available at RealClearPolitics. Sorry, no link for that either, just at the moment!

  8. Sorry, Tom, I must have confused the comments section for this post with the other post discussing the same issue just a couple up the page. The link is here:

  9. Ymar Sakar10:05 AM

    Your penchant for denying that strikes me as saying something much worse about your mind than theirs.

    What is there to deny?

    If slaves live on Democrat plantations and are breed to have their progeny sold, do you now demand that I recognize they are "free"? They are not free. They do not have the power of self determination.

    Recognizing reality is not the same as classifying race or eugenics, which the Democrat Southerners oh so loved to do to justify their economic well being.

  10. Ymar Sakar10:24 AM

    I only insist that you treat the others in the Hall with courtesy.

    And what does that have to do with anything to begin with. I wasn't talking to anyone in the Hall, other than you concerning this topic at least. But as Eric likes to do, if someone had a problem with that statement, are you going to stop them from disagreeing and making their own case? If not, the only one I would be treating with less courtesy would be you, Grim, since nobody else cared to join in.

    But that's not what you said back then either. You weren't making the case about treatment of yourself, but treatment of blacks in cities. You ignore their slavery and prefer to rationalize your defense of non existent freedoms by criticizing my recognition of reality as it stands.
