The Hell You Say

Headline: "Green Berets have growing doubts of duties with skittish political leadership."


  1. Ymar Sakar10:42 PM

    The ads. The ads. It's what fuels journalism these days it seems.

  2. Think of it as one of the glories of capitalism, as it always has been! In the great age of newspapers, the news was never a moneymaker. It was just to get your attention, so you'd see the classified section.

    The only reason we get news at all is that someone can turn a penny on it. That's capitalism at work, and if the ads annoy, they also really do a great good by bringing the world together in this way.

  3. “What we hear consistently is what many of these soldiers can’t say publicly, and that is Army leadership has created an environment that has soldiers second-guessing themselves and hesitating constantly, and one misstep — whether intended or not — is a career killer,”

    A ded career would be the least of my worries if I were a Green Beret who found myself hesitating and second guessing.

  4. That's right. It's deadly dangerous stuff.

  5. I know these aren't the first servicemen who've ever found themselves in the position of reconciling their devotion to duty with a corrupt leadership they can't trust, but it's awful to contemplate the corner they find themselves in. I hope I'm never tested by so agonizing a choice.

  6. How does one "fundamentally" transform a powerful world leading nation with a high living standard, rights for all and a renowned military?
    Not mildly alter, or adjust, or make a course correction, but "fundamentally transform"?

    The problem here is the leadership is playing on the opposing side from the one they claim to represent.
