Ranger School Update: The Fix Is In

So claims Havok Journal, at least, based on the President's sudden desire to attend graduation.
Now, I’m no fortuneteller, but when the travel agent of the Commander-in-Chief contacts your organization, travel plans probably isn’t the message trying to be delivered. “Undue command influence” is something JAG officers warn leaders about, especially during election cycles and sensitive topics that can get young NCOs and company commanders in trouble.

Call it what you will, but when the President says he’s attending graduation for Ranger School, something he’s never shown interest in prior to this class, there’s obviously a reason, and I’m sure there’s at least one or two Ranger candidates that will make the cut. Unfortunately, the premier leadership school in the Army is falling victim to an agenda and will soon find itself in a swelter of media madness like its never experienced, even up to this point.
So disconnected from the military is he that he does not realize that, rather than honoring the women by his presence, he will have undermined them in the eyes of everyone by doing this. Few will now believe that their passage through the school was fair and free from political pressure. I wonder if he can even imagine the damage he's doing to these two women, who have done gloriously to come this far, by making himself a part of this?


  1. I wonder if he can even imagine the damage he's doing to these two women, who have done gloriously to come this far, by making himself a part of this?

    He doesn't care. He's not there to celebrate the graduates, or two in particular. He's there to celebrate his agenda. There is nothing else under the sun.

    Eric Hines

  2. I couldn't have said it better, Eric.

  3. He doesn't care. He's not there to celebrate the graduates, or two in particular. He's there to celebrate his agenda. There is nothing else under the sun.

    I disagree Eric, I don't think he's there to celebrate his agenda. I think he's there to celebrate himself. He literally is claiming the accomplishment of those female soldiers by injecting himself into this. The ego on this President is simply staggering to me.

  4. In a way, it's even worse than the fact that this will cause everyone to think the fix is in:

    He's saying, in perilously close to so many words, that he's not honoring the women's achievement in completing Ranger School; he's honoring the fact that they're women. Everyone there will have achieved the same thing, but he wouldn't come for the achievement; he's coming for the identity group.

  5. I don't think he's there to celebrate his agenda. I think he's there to celebrate himself.

    He is his agenda, and his agenda is him.

    Jaed's assessment is accurate, also, and better than mine.

    Eric Hines

  6. While I do not disagree in any particular, I think it would honestly be less offensive if he simply made a speech crowing about how his influence led to these women being allowed to attempt the course. By showing up in person (the first time in his Presidency he deigns to attend a Ranger graduation), he is stealing their thunder and in a sense, taking credit for their accomplishment. He is making the story about him and how "wonderful" he is, rather than celebrating their achievement that they earned.

  7. By showing up in person...he is stealing their thunder and in a sense, taking credit for their accomplishment. He is making the story about him and how "wonderful" he is....

    Keep in mind that the poor man has never led men and women in the military. He's not even led his community "organizing" gangs back in the 'hood or on The Big Island.

    Eric Hines
