
Is Mitch McConnell essentially a sell-out, or is he so desperate to look like he can govern better than Harry Reid that he's forced to pass every crony capitalist measure that crosses his desk as the compromise price-tag for his own ostensible priorities?


  1. That doesn't sound like a dichotomy over whether he's a sell-out, but rather a question about what he takes as his price.

  2. ColoComment11:21 AM

    Back to the alleged Churchill comment to his female dining compatriot? "We've established what you are, madam, now we're just haggling about the price"?

  3. McConnell is a non-ideologue who cares about the power of his party, keeping to its principles in only a general way. I don't know that he's especially good at that, but we tend to fear and hate those Democrats who do the same thing.

    If we thought he was a better wheeler-dealer, we might shrug it off.

  4. I'm afraid in my case he'd not only have to be better at it, he'd have to be using the tactics in service of the occasional policy that's important to me! In that case, I wouldn't answer for the delicacy of my conscience in approving his mangling of the rules. Tit-for-tat is often a strong temptation.
