
President Obama having had a "chance" meeting with Bill Clinton on the golf course yesterday, today he's out with the former President for the afternoon. Hillary Clinton will be joining them later when the party moves from the links to a birthday celebration for Vernon Jordan.

Wonder what they'll be talking about?

Poll results show that three percent of Democrats think Hillary is telling the truth about these emails.


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    This may be the first time I have ever seen a poll where over 90% of Americans agree on anything. Those numbers are so high, I suspect this was a push-poll.


  2. The questions don't read to me like push-poll questions. All the same, if they were, someone should hire the poll designer to write the anti-Hil campaign ads.

  3. They'll still vote for her, because Republicans are evil. What are a few lies between friends?

  4. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Where did you find the questions? I missed them. Seriously, you have to see the actual list of questions, not a general description of them and their intent.


  5. You can see the wording by following the link to the Hot Air article about the poll, and then clicking on their link "internals on this poll." It's not a poll about Clinton -- it's a generalized poll about various issues including the Iran deal, Chuck Schumer, immigration, etc.

    It looks to me like the question was structured to get people to choose between "Clinton lied" and "there's another explanation," with people having to volunteer that they think she told the truth. That's not an obvious choice given that she said X, and not-X is true. Under those circumstances, three percent isn't unbelievable.
