Why Don't We Just Ship Them Some Nuclear Weapons?

A guy with some relevant experience writes about yesterday's new information.
The hearing produced a new bombshell: In its investigation of Iran’s past nuclear-weapons-related work, the IAEA will rely on Iran to collect samples at its Parchin military base and other locations. As a former intelligence analyst experienced in the collection of environmental samples for investigations of weapons of mass destruction, I found this allegation impossible to believe when I heard Senator James Risch (R., Idaho) make it yesterday morning.
I like Sen. Risch's take: "Even the NFL wouldn’t go along with this."


  1. Why Don't We Just Ship Them Some Nuclear Weapons?

    I'm down with that, so long as I get to load some software into the PROMs....

    Eric Hines

  2. raven6:11 PM

    Do ours even work anymore? IIRC people were calling for the reliable warhead program years ago because of the age of our inventory.

  3. We could send them some that don't.

  4. We could send some of them that do: as test articles of our inventory, as demonstrators, and/or as decommissioning articles.

    Eric Hines

  5. Ymar Sakar1:45 AM

    The idea that America would sell Iran some nuclear weapons, if I recall some crackpots in the past mentioned that. One has to wonder who the real paranoid freaks these days are.
