
Headline: "BREAKING: Obama Made Side-Deal on Iran’s Military Site, Hid Details From Congress."

UPDATE: State Department refuses to comment.


  1. If accurate, I do in fact believe that is an impeachable offense. It won't ever happen, of course, but I do believe it to be justified.

  2. Here's the text of the law governing this. It appears the executive branch may have violated it, which ought to land at the President's feet. Does violating this law constitute a misdemeanor or "high crime," though? It doesn't appear to have a punitive clause.

  3. Er, here is the text:


  4. Violation of this law hardly concerns me. It is the attempting to get Congress' approval on a international treaty while intentionally hiding the details from Congress that is a Constitutional breach, in my eyes. The President does not have the authority to agree to secret foreign treaties on behalf of the United States.

  5. Ok, but is that a "high crime" or a "misdemeanor"?

  6. It's also out on National Review, which doesn't confirm the claim, but it does broaden the claim's reach.

    As to whether Obama's breach is a high crime or misdemeanor, it doesn't matter. There aren't enough Democrat votes in the Senate to convict.

    There is enough here to beat Clinton (or especially Biden, if Monica Crowley proves right) like a big, bass drum, though.

    Eric Hines

  7. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The only reason these side deals are being kept secret is that Obama knows they are unacceptable to the Senators and Congressment who have the security clearances to see them.

    This is a "Dreams of My Father" move ("Don't move fast, don't scare the white folk.")


  8. Ok, but is that a "high crime" or a "misdemeanor"?

    Attempting to commit the nation to a secret treaty without Congressional approval? You know what, perhaps not (after all, if it is nothing more than an informal agreement, then it is not binding). Enforcing that secret treaty? Absolutely.
