Oh, Really? Were There Snipers?

This story sounds familiar.
She told a story about the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. Clinton and President Obama were trying to negotiate terms with India and China—two of the fastest-developing countries in the world—for a climate change agreement.

The problem: China and India's leaders were nowhere to be found. Clinton said she and Obama "sent out scouts," who found that the leaders were meeting in a clandestine conference room. Clinton and Obama marched to the room, she said, and pushed past Chinese security guards to confront the heads of state. As a result, the assembled countries signed an accord... though much of the text was nonbinding.


  1. Of course there were snipers. Evil Climate Deniers and Evil Republicans. The latter, especially, still are sniping.

    Eric Hines

  2. Ymar Sakar8:28 PM

    They saw those snipers all the way from Alaska into Russia.
