Greetings, Denizens of the European Union!

I am informed by our generous hosts at Blogger/Google that you have passed a law mandating that we inform you about our use of cookies, and possibly obtain your consent. If you are coming in from an EU country (or visit an EU-hosted version of this site) you should see an appropriate notice automatically courtesy of our hosts.

I'm not actually sure what cookies Google and or Blogger use on this site. You can consent to them or not, as you prefer. Be aware, however, that as an American I reject any suggestion that I have a duty to obey your laws.

We are a free people. We make our own laws. Keep yours to yourselves.

If this notice constitutes a hate crime in your jurisdiction, please note that this is just too bad.


  1. Re the graphic: I'd change the text to "....your approval is not SOUGHT."

  2. If this notice constitutes a hate crime in your jurisdiction, please note that this is just too bad.

    Your definition of our freedoms as hate crimes is itself a hate crime, and you're in violation of your own laws. You'll be hearing from Constantinos Manolopoulos.

    Eric Hines

  3. You Americainz, you are such the cowboys.
