Earth slows down, women and minorities hardest hit

As a result of toxic CO2, the Earth is orbiting the Sun at its slowest speed in a year.  Wait, actually it's the aphelion, which happens this time of year.  At 2:41 p.m. Central today, we'll be the farthest we get from the Sun in our elliptical orbit.  We don't notice the resulting decrease in insolation here in the Northern Hemisphere, because the effect of being tilted toward the Sun in summer overwhelms the effect of being 3 million miles farther from the Sun than we were in January.

The slow-down, a natural aspect of orbital mechanics rather than a plot between The Heartland Institute and Big Fossil Fuel, means that summer lasts 5-1/2 days longer in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern.


  1. We don't notice the resulting decrease in insolation here in the Northern Hemisphere, because the effect of being tilted toward the Sun in summer overwhelms the effect of being 3 million miles farther from the Sun than we were in January.

    Rotational privilege: just one more way the Evil Western Hemisphere (but I repeat my ownself) oppresses pretty much everyone else on the planet.

  2. Wouldn't that be the NW Quadrosphere? And the NE Quadrosphere gets a pass because that's not structural oppression, and that's different.

  3. More evidence that warming is good for us, and we need more of it.

  4. If it's good for us, then we must punish ourselves by preventing it. Because it's our fault.

  5. I had a funny exchange yesterday with a guy who was bemoaning the conservative tendency to engage in end-times thinking. Other commenters jumped on him, saying he didn't understand conservatives. I thought that was a bit unfair; I said I admitted this tendency and even saw it in myself often, but on the other hand I saw it on the left, too. Isn't it more prevalent whenever people have unusual and passionate (you could say extreme) views, because they tend to think almost everyone in the world is making a mistake about something awfully important? So on the right we predict the collapse of civilization, and on the left, environmental catastrophe.

    His immediate response: But that's different! Experts say global warming really is happening! Why don't you trust the experts?

    Yes: when conservatives predict end-times, that's eschatological. When leftists do it, they're bowing to expert opinion.
