The Charleston Matter

It is a great sorrow to learn that decent people, brother and sister Christians engaged in Bible study, were murdered by a strange and paranoid figure while at their peaceful and religious work. At times like these, I prefer to look for those who behaved well in the face of danger. During the Sikh temple murders it was Satwant Singh Kaleka, a 65-year-old hero who charged the gunman with the only weapon the law permitted him: a butter knife that reduced his kirpan to a symbol rather than a practical tool for fighting evil. During the Aurora shooting, it was the gallant men who lay down their lives to protect their wives and girlfriends. Such men must be welcomed to heaven by heralding angels.

Today there are no such good stories, except for the work of the policemen who tracked down and captured the murderer. It is being remarked, unfairly, that the fact that they took him alive is proof that cops are racists. Rather, it is their duty when it is reasonably possible. They should be praised for doing their duty against a young man of proven danger.


  1. The police had some help from this woman:

    Debbie Dills, a florist and a minister, was running late for work at Frady's Florist at 10.30am on Thursday when she passed a familiar-looking black Hyundai at a red light on Highway 74 in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. After hesitating and pulling off the highway, she says, 'instinct kicked in' and she ended up on a 35-mile car chase to Shelby, North Carolina, while on the phone to police who scrambled to catch up with her.

  2. Good! I had not heard that story.

  3. I get all my serious news from The Daily Mail :p

  4. From what I've read, Tywanza Sanders is worthy of mention, as well.
