Safety first

Always wanted to work in the porn industry?  You probably hesitated, knowing that the industry didn't require suitable protective eyewear.  Now California has your back.


  1. Next year's news today: Sales of protective goggles spike as new market emerges...

  2. By Ugol's Law, somewhere out there, there are people who are unbearably aroused by the sight of plastic goggles. These people will be in heaven, at least if they watch or make porn movies.

    (Similarly, there are people who are turned on by paperwork. Those of these people who weren't already notaries public will be greatly benefited, sexually, by the "affirmative consent" laws.)

  3. Just another big dollar industry getting chased out of California.
    It may be a rather ignoble industry, but the pattern holds, regardless.

    L.A. passing a minimum wage law too. Same shtick.

  4. Eric Blair9:26 PM

    Really, this has to be understood as another annoyance to drive the porn industry out of business (or at least out of California).

  5. It's much easier to make sense of the move as pure harassment of employers than as benign protection of workers, that's for sure. It's the inimitable California style, as Douglas notes, and it has the usual effect.
