Is the Koran Grammatically Correct?

I have no way of evaluating this argument, since I do not know any Classical Arabic, but it seems like it would be pretty explosive if it's true. Supposedly the Koran is the direct recitation of words transmitted to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Perhaps Gabriel speaks in a regional patois?


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Have not looked at the video yet, but linguistic research I've read, as well as studies of coins and inscriptions, certainly suggests that 1) a large percentage (up to a third) of the Koran's language is imported from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac, and 2) the Koran was not compiled until the late 700s at the earliest. The transformation of coins from using Christian symbols, to Jewish and anti-Byzantine (as a response to the Council of Nicaea and growing Arab separation from the Byzantine Empire) and then Arab/Islamic is fascinating.


  2. Haven't watched the video yet either, but if I were trying to defend it, my response would be that there is no such thing as perfect grammar as it's a human construct, and Allah is perfect, and his transmission to Mohammed is perfect, you could even say Mohammed is perfect, but grammar is itself fluid and, as a human device, imperfect, as are all who hear or read it. But you can't say that because then it opens a can of worms about the perfection of the text itself (which I believe is untenable without blind faith). They claim perfection in an imperfect world.
