Hope in Detroit

I was wondering the other day how NRA approval sorted out by race.  Today HotAir reports that "54 percent of blacks now see gun ownership as a good thing, something more likely to protect than harm. That’s up from 29 percent just two years ago."


  1. And as I commented in that thread, even the left is beginning to see that sometimes those old dead white guys actually may have been on to something. Now, by that token, I don't expect we'll see a great revival of gun-toting liberals, but at least they may try to be a bit less stupid about the "militia only" interpretation.

  2. Not many, but remember there are still strong pockets of gun ownership in surprising places. Howard Dean once commented about coming from Vermont, "where even liberals own 2-3 guns."

  3. A gun in the hand is worth two in the safe.

    Or: a gun in the hand is worth two cops enroute.

    Eric Hines

  4. Two, or fifty, or a thousand.
