Get Some, Rabbi


  1. Don't drop your right while throwing that knee, Rabbi.

    But, do indeed go get some. Gotta go where the sinners are as well as the good guys.

    Eric Hines

  2. He's worried about some really interesting issues, too. How to fight without becoming an animal? And aren't you an animal to some degree, after all? Why shouldn't you want to be what God made you to be? What's your duty here? And, even if avoiding animality in favor of reason is the duty, isn't there a way to approach fighting that fully honors this?

    Have to look this guy up.

  3. As future logician once said (in paraphrase), when all logical alternatives have been exhausted, the illogical is the logical thing to do.

    So it is, it seems to me, with fighting. If it's for survival, the animal must come to the fore, if that's the better fighter in you.

    Eric Hines
