Confidence in Institutions

Gallup's annual "Confidence in Institutions" poll is out.
From a broad perspective, Americans' confidence in all institutions over the last two years has been the lowest since Gallup began systematic updates of a larger set of institutions in 1993. The average confidence rating of the 14 institutions asked about annually since 1993 -- excluding small business, asked annually since 2007 -- is 32% this year. This is one percentage point above the all-institution average of 31% last year. Americans were generally more confident in all institutions in the late 1990s and early 2000s as the country enjoyed a strong economy and a rally in support for U.S. institutions after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The biggest collapse in public confidence is with the police as an institution. The obvious reason why that might be true is heavy media coverage of controversial police shootings and militarized police responses to protests in Ferguson and elsewhere. But the media has been relentlessly positive about Pope Francis, and the Catholic Church remains at its historic low point in spite of the glowing attention. (Besides, confidence in the media is pretty low too!)

No Federal institution polls above a third of Americans being confident in it. Congress remains near its record low at 8%.


  1. raven7:56 PM

    The government is increasingly viewed as an occupying army- not surprising there is not much support for it. Something about "swarms of officers" and "eating out our substance" comes to mind.

  2. My confidence in pollsters is at an historically low ebb.
