
If the Garland shooting of two would-be jihadists in the parking lot of a Mohammed-cartoon-drawing contest was a mousetrap, then it was a carelessly designed one.  I'd have at least armed the security guard.  As Ace says, the left is trying to force at least two contradictory claims on us in this context:
1. To speak of Islamist violence, or to suggest there is a problem in Islam, is racist, and hateful, and irrational, and "islamophobic."
2. It is so predictable that Islamists will kill you if you say something "anti-Islamic" that victims of murder attempts can be said to have brought their attacks on themselves.
Two other hard-to-reconcile claims:
1. Islam is compatible with Western values.
2. We're going to have to change some core Western values to avoid violence from our new Muslim friends.
Luckily the unarmed security guard was not the only spring-loaded lethal device included in this mousetrap. Bearing Arms has up a useful summary of what we know about the attack and the prompt, successful defense by a police officer:
No matter how you break down the details, this was an incredible display of bravery and marksmanship by this 30+ year veteran of the Garland Police Department, who not only resisted the natural urge to create distance between yourself and rifle-armed assailants, but who appears to have done precisely the opposite, and who advanced while firing accurately, bringing the attack to a swift conclusion without a single additional casualty once he brought his weapon to bear.


  1. To speak of Islamist violence, or to suggest there is a problem in Islam, is racist, and hateful, and irrational, and "islamophobic."

    No, there is racism, but it's the racism of insisting Muslims are so inferior they cannot handle criticism, they fall apart into irrational violence. Only the Left is making that claim. Just as they make it about blacks and women, who are so inferior by nature that they need the special treatment of affirmative action just to keep up.

    It is so predictable that Islamists will kill you if you say something "anti-Islamic" that victims of murder attempts can be said to have brought their attacks on themselves.

    Not at all contradictory. It's of a piece with the first: the Left claims that Muslims are inherently inferior and so react with the Left's predictability; Muslims are not in control of themselves.

    We're going to have to change some core Western values to avoid violence from our new Muslim friends.

    This proceeds from the false premise that Islam is our friend.

    If the Garland shooting of two would-be jihadists in the parking lot of a Mohammed-cartoon-drawing contest was a mousetrap, then it was a carelessly designed one.

    Depends on the kind of mouse being sought. I'd say this trap, if it was one, worked to a T.

    Eric Hines

  2. Eric Blair9:57 PM

    Not to diminish the policman's act, but two guys with long arms should not have been taken out by one guy with a pistol. Assuming that the two guys actually knew what they were about.

    Which they obviously didn't.

  3. It was brave of him to find out, and once he knew they were out of their depth he did the right thing advancing on them until they were dead. No one would have blamed him if, in being more cautious, he'd failed to find out how hollow a threat they were.

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    If these people are unable or unwilling to conform their behavior to our societal norms, they can and will be removed from our society.

    The notion that these people will kill others for daring to repeat what Islamsis themselves say about Islam is unacceptable.


  5. I had known that this event was going down a week or so before it did. My sense was that the intent was to mousetrap outraged college protest groups who were anti-free-speech, though. I didn't get the idea that an ISIS attack was expected, though I'm glad they handled it well.

    Eric is right: if this is the quality of the opposition, we should be cheerful and bold.

  6. The latest from ISIS was that this was totally a success, y'all. Because they just proved how prepared they are to die in these kinds of attacks.

    Well, it must be snowing in Hell, because it seems ISIS and I have something in common. We both are happy when their followers die.
