Scythe Beats Brushcutter

And a video that shows the scythe-work up close:


  1. Where was the scythe operator's safety helmet and mask? And shirtless!

    Disqualified. Brushcutter wins.

    Eric Hines

  2. So not only is the scythe faster, it's safer for the operator.

  3. Sharp is important. Now you see why grinding and sharpening were important tasks in earlier times.

    Mark Twain also reports (Life On The Mississippi, I think) that a restauranteur told him the secret of a good restaurant is sharp knives.

    As with John Henry and the steam drill, the brushcutter advantage does not show at first, but about 30 minutes later.

  4. Also, why are they comparing a trimmer (which is what a weed whacker is) to a scythe. The mechanized equivalent to a scythe is a lawnmower. A proper comparison to a trimmer is a pair of hand shears. No one, and I do mean no one, attempts to clear a field with a trimmer. Because it's the wrong tool for the job.

  5. The tool we used before trimmers was a swing sickle. Actually, it really does work better in many cases (especially against thick, woody or thorny vines).

  6. Very well. But it still doesn't make this "test" fair. It remains a dishonest comparison.

  7. Actually, it's not a trimmer, it's a brushcutter, which Stihl markets as used for clearing saplings and dense undergrowth.

    Also, even if it's an apples to oranges comparison, it's not dishonest. They're just checking things out. The next video was indeed scythe vs. lawn mower.

  8. Here's the scythe vs. mower video. The scythe just barely wins, but that's because the guy running the mower makes a mistake.

    As AVI says, the tech advantage would show up especially later on, after the guy with the scythe is exhausted.

    My real interest here was that I had never seen this kind of scythe used before and I find it impressive. I don't plan to run out and buy one to replace my mower, though.

  9. Ok, that I will buy. And I certainly don't disagree with AVI either. And lets face it, that scythe dude is in pretty darn good shape. I doubt I could get the same results he gets without a hell of a lot of work and practice. But I refuse to feel bad about that, because I doubt he'd be much help at repairing a broken computer. We all have our own skill sets.
