I'm Sure This Is In There Somewhere


  1. Well, not in so many words, but I think it's clearly implied when he wrote that if you only understand yourself, you have a 50% chance of victory, and if you only understand the enemy, you have a 50% chance of victory, but if you understand the inherent oppression of white cisgendered male privilege and the true value of public safety laws, you will not be defeated in a hundred battles.

    Or maybe the part about interpreting the dust of chariots.

  2. Eric Blair5:35 PM

    Gotta be chariots.

  3. Well, Sun Tse also wrote about giving the enemy an easy way off the battlefield so as to encourage his early departure.

    Of course instructing my guys on the evils of wine, women, and DUI while instructing my enemy's guys on the pleasures of those fits that bit of wisdom to a T.

    Eric Hines

  4. Is what "poverty chastity and obedience" look like when the underlying religion decays? Hugues de Payens would be sick.
