Sensitivity Abounds

The US military's own court system has ordered the Army to be sensitive when it refers to an individual who admitted betraying his oaths towards the Army and the nation it defends.
The Army now must refer to incarcerated soldier Chelsea Manning as "she," or in gender-neutral terms, a military appeals court says.

The 27-year old Manning, a former intelligence analyst, is undergoing gender reassignment from male to female while serving a 35-year sentence in the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for leaking classified material to the website WikiLeaks. Previously known as Bradley Manning, the young private first class legally changed her name last April to Chelsea.
Apparently they must also issue "female undergarments" for "her" use in the male prison unit at Leavenworth. Special snowflakes must be handled with extreme care.


  1. Can we use "it" to refer to .."it"?

  2. Bob of "Bob on the FOB" suggested "She/He/IT" in acronym format. Whatever we do, this private deserves maximum disdain.

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I am baffled as to why the medical profession apparently has no ethical qualms about indulging this individual's desire to be mutilated. This is mayhem, causing severe and permanent injury.

    While entire concept of gender dysphoria sounds soul-crushing, the notion that putting a person on a permanent regimen of drugs that will upset their endocrine system, and doing the kind of surgery that will never have the desired effect seems cynical, to me.


  4. Eric Blair10:52 PM

    What ever hell Manning has created for himself he is welcome to it, but I think his chain of command up to Brigade ought to be on trial with him.
