What do they want?

I don't think it's that much of a mystery to the Hall, but apparently it's finally sunk in, even for those on the Left.

The linked article from the Atlantic lays out in massive, I'd say scholarly, detail where Daesh came from, their goals, their plans to achieve those goals, and possible ways to thwart them.  Most of it was already known to me, but there were some pieces that I did not know as well.  It's long, but very much worth it.


  1. I read about half of this article this morning - you're right. It was very good.

    Thanks to you, I have it bookmarked for when I've got a little bit more time :)

  2. Agreed. One finds faint hope rising when an opinion-maker gets more than half of reality. Perhaps...maybe...please...

    Be not deceived. It will not affect 1% of the electorate. Liberals fear the effect corporate advertising and conservative symbols will have on the great unwashed because they sense at some level that such manipulation has convinced them of all they believe.

  3. AVI, being in the Atlantic means it's pierced the bubble of the Manhattan and DC elite- influence the influencers and the culture moves a little. Hopefully.

  4. Oh, they're resisting it, alright. But as douglas points out... it's no longer the purview of "right-wing racists". It's getting through to them that it doesn't actually matter if THEY (the liberals) think Daesh and their ilk are Muslims or not, all that matters is that Daesh and it's supporters think they're Muslims. And they've got the scriptures to back it up.
