The anti-gotcha candidate

More from the Washington Post:
In light of his comments about whether the president loves America, [Scott Walker] was asked in an interview whether he believes Obama, who recently talked about his Christian faith at the National Prayer Breakfast, is a Christian.
“I don’t know,” Walker replied. “I’ve never asked him that either.” Pressed on his answer, he explained, “I’ve actually never talked about it or I haven’t read about that.”
Walker was sharply critical of the question, just as he was critical of the repeated questions he’s been asked in the past few days about what Giuliani said. He called it “silly stuff” and a “classic example of why people hate Washington and increasingly dislike the press.”


  1. I think the right answer sounds a lot like, "Why are you asking me such a stupid question?"

  2. Or, "Why on earth are you asking ME what someone else believes?"

  3. Eric Blair9:45 PM

    If Walker keeps on this tact when asked stupid stuff like this, he's going to go far.

  4. Gringo12:21 AM

    Walker has gone through the mill with three elections in four years- one the recall election- with constant baiting from the Madison Moonbats. He is very experienced at dealing with such questions.

  5. He's a better politician that I could be. I'm not afraid to offer my opinions on such things. Personally, I don't believe that the President is a Christian. Nor do I think he's a Muslim (not even a secret one). I honestly believe he's a typical modern liberal anti-theist. Perhaps he's an atheist, perhaps he's agnostic. Heck, I can be completely wrong in my read of his altogether, I can never know what is in someone else's heart. But I know a LOT of people who act as he does, and almost universally they're anti-theist in some form or another (some like to describe themselves as "spiritual but against organized religion", which seems to be shorthand for "I like to claim I am respectful of the 'peaceful' Oriental religions, but really just don't believe in any kind of diety"). But it is my opinion that he is a tried and true, old school socialist/Marxist who believes religion is the opiate of the masses and just puts on a show of Christianity due to the fact that it's easier to be openly gay in modern American politics than to be openly atheistic.
