
The government of Trinidad and Tobago is offering to swap Venezuela toilet paper for oil.


  1. A good deal if you can get it! Toilet paper is very important. Lewis Grizzard used to have a skit about Soviet TP.

  2. Here it is, if you have Pandora.

  3. Gringo11:02 AM

    What makes this hilarious is that Trinidad is a Petrostate. Not as ridiculous a Petrostate as Venezuela, but still a Petrostate. In my time in Trinidad I recall that a pound of cabbage cost the same as 6 gallons of gasoline. Today, I would estimate here in the US, 5 pounds of cabbage cost the same as a gallon of gasoline.

    But today in Venezuela, what does gasoline cost? Ten cents a gallon? Two cents a gallon? Given the multiple exchange rates, it is difficult to quantify precisely how cheap gasoline is in Venezuela. But dirt cheap it is.

  4. Not for long. They're losing their ability to produce it, or anything, really. They're going to be really equal, though.
