Organizing the Resistance

Eric Blair has said for years that citizen movements to reign in the Federal government weren't the real marker to watch for: the marker was state governments actively resisting the Federal government.
State legislators around the country have introduced more than 200 bills aiming to nullify regulations and laws coming out of Washington, D.C., as they look to rein in the federal government....

The 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights reserves to the states powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution. States have long used it as a tool to protect themselves against regulations.


In Virginia, conservatives are pushing for states to invoke Article 5 of the Constitution and hold a “convention of states” to restrict the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

The group Citizens for Self-Government is leading the charge, and three states — Alaska, Georgia and Florida — have already passed resolutions calling for the convention.... At the convention, Meckler said the states would work to pass amendments that impose fiscal restraints, regulatory restrictions and term limits on federal officials, including members of the Supreme Court.

“We’ll have [Article 5] applications pending in 41 states within the next few weeks,” he said. “The goal is to hold a convention in 2016.”


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    That is why we have states.


  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Time to repeal the 17th amendment & give the states back their voice in the Federal Government. These days I feel as if my congressman does not represent me. But with Senators, I have felt that they have notrepresented me for decades. They are like a house of lords. Lets make it harder for the big corporations to buy our senators. Repeal the 17th amendment and restore the balance.

  3. Eric Blair1:59 PM

    Repealing the 17th amendment isn't a panacea for what ills the republic. Go back and look at how many states (and what states) already had direct election of Senators before that. The 17th amendment was just basically confirming what was already the trend.
