Champagne on ice

Christian Schneider on "wage theft" laws:
During Chuck Nevitt's undistinguished NBA playing career, he earned the nickname "The Human Victory Cigar," as he only made it onto the court after his team was ahead by an insurmountable margin. . . .
In Wisconsin politics, the billionaire Koch brothers have now become the Republican human victory cigars. When the left has exhausted every talking point and political strategy, it trots out uncles Charles and David Koch as a last gasp.
Hearing the word "Koch" from a Democrat means something he really doesn't like is about to happen, and he is powerless to stop it. When it is invoked, there is likely a Republican and a bottle of champagne chilling nearby.
Such is the case with this week's right-to-work debate as legislative Republicans are poised to send a bill to Gov. Scott Walker's desk.

1 comment:

  1. The JS' headline, Right-to-work: the ultimate lost cause for Wisconsin unions could just as well have read Right-to-work: the ultimate win for Wisconsin labor.

    But this is a noospaper. As demonstrated by the Koch-backed American Legislative Exchange Council "slur." ALEC isn't "Koch-backed;" it is backed by a myriad of conservative entities, of which the Kochs are one. Of course Schneider knows this (he is unlikely to have written the headline, though).

    And this bit of misleading distortion: this week's right-to-work debate as legislative Republicans are poised to send a bill to Gov. Scott Walker's desk. In fact, the Wisconsin Senate has passed the bill. The Assembly won't take it up until next week. It's certainly true that the Assembly is likely to pass the bill, but it's not done. Of course Schneider knows this, too. Even PuffHo got this right.

    Eric Hines
