Why We Don't Drink Pig's Milk

A thorough response from an intern at the Illinois Pork Producers Association.


  1. Sounds like a market niche for a relatively simple engineering solution to milking.

    Oh, wait. FDA will want a regulation. So will the EPA. And Dept of Ag. Probably Interior, too.

    California will insist on minimum milking cage sizes and pig diets.

    And there are the nuisance suits: PETA, ASPCA. Feminists--how dare you objectify a sister, treating her like a milking machine!?


    Eric Hines

  2. Not to mention that pigs are omnivores with iffy tempers. In principle, you could raise wolves for their milk.

  3. Wow. I wish my interns were that industrious!

  4. If you wanted to use pigs for milk, you'd then have to be more particular about what they ate, I suspect.

    I suppose it could be a cottage industry like goat's milk.
