
Another snowflake, next to the last one.  Funny, I was trying to do something similar.

Update:  on top, a third variation on a theme, more what I was aiming at.  I'm on the last round of this iteration; the completed part is on the bottom left.  You can see how big it is by the fact that it's sitting within the earpieces of the glasses I have to use when I'm working with thread this fine.


  1. You do beautiful work! I need to teach myself to knit (I bought two very complicated Christmas stocking kits for the Grandpunks, but have totally forgotten how to knit).

  2. Thanks! I've posted a third one.

  3. You really are talented. They're just beautiful.

    Years ago (in the 90s) I was on an angel ornament kick. I made angels from twisted paper, from Battenberg lace hankies with Spanish moss for hair, from wooden balls (heads) and stuffed bodies of fabric and batting...

    Just finished putting away the decorations for our tree, and there were even these dumb braided, stuffed fabric wreaths I made in 1979.

    And my grandmother's egg decorations (hollowed out eggs with all sorts of decorations inside). I want to renovate those this year - they're well over 40 years old and I'd like to make new ones for my kids.

    I remember how much I loved unwrapping them when I was a kid. There was one with a fawn on a lake that fascinated me. I should take some pictures.

  4. I doubt they were dumb!

  5. Wow, Tex, those are great- the variations are fascinating. I thought your last post on these said something about being the "last of the season"? Glad it wasn't.

  6. I thought they were the last of the season. My right brain had other ideas.
