Snow and School Cancellations

A visual guide, with commentary.


  1. I can't say the article, or the map, is entirely accurate. I've spent the last 15 years in the Metroplex and 10 years before that in Las Cruces. In each place, we got an inch or more of snow in a 24 hour period, often twice (count 'em) in the same winter. No school closings on any of those occasions.

    Las Cruces drivers, though, did operate under an odd snow principle. While that inch was on the roads, they sped up under the theory that if they went faster, they'd get where they were going before they'd have a chance to have an accident.

    Eric Hines

  2. I can only speak to a limited part of the map, but actually "Any Snow" is too strong. We've canceled school merely on reliable rumors of snow.

  3. We might close here if the temperature dropped below 38 degrees. If it happened too often, I might move farther south.

  4. We might close here if the temperature dropped below 38 degrees. If it happened too often, I might move farther south.

    To be fair, Tex, many schools in the deep south don't have heaters that can actually cope with extremely low temperatures. Just as there are schools in the far north that will close if it gets too hot, because they schools lack air conditioning.

  5. Maybe so, but it's a sad heating system that would choke at 38 degrees! I attribute the phenomenon to the attitude I share with my fellow deep Southerners: cold weather is unnatural. Best to stay home, draw the curtains, and wait for Armageddon.
