Robin Hood in Modern Denmark

Amazing what they knew how to do in the old days.


  1. Well, anyone can split a stationary arrow. Tsk.

    Eric Hines

  2. I've been thinking about the stunts in movies like the last couple of Hobbit installments, which are surprisingly little fun to watch. Peter Jackson should be watching this guy for ideas.

    It also makes me think of stories of naturalists in the tropics, who asked the locals to help them bag hummingbirds or some similar tiny bird. When the first birds came in, the naturalists complained that there wasn't much left of the bodies. The next batch came in with the dart or arrow wounds carefully confined to the eye sockets. OK, that may be apocryphal, I don't know, but people do amazing things when they have their whole lives to practice and their lives depend on it. If I hadn't seen video of skateboard artists and Cirque du Soleil performers, I wouldn't believe what they can do, either.

  3. Except it's hokum.
