Meanwhile, in Nigeria...

While the world's leadership focused on the attacks in Paris, Boko Haram killed two thousand people in a massacre designed to enforce their vision of Islam.
As Islamic terrorists continue to spread, more nations are in danger of simply collapsing as their citizens lose faith in their ability to keep them safe. We’re in serious danger of having an increasing pile of failed states which will serve as a breeding ground for more of the same. Unfortunately, as bad as Boko Haram is, attacks like this are never going to capture the media’s attention the way an attack in France (or America) will.

So what can we do about Boko Haram realistically? I have absolutely no idea. Launching a major military offensive against them (given how much else we have on our plate) seems unlikely in the extreme, even if the will existed in the White House to do so. And I doubt we have any allies left who have the resources and the interest to do it in our stead.


  1. There are countries, like France, for which there may still be some hope if people band together and act quickly and decisively. There are others, like practically all of Africa, where I don't see any hope at all, and wouldn't send in any U.S. soldiers to risk getting killed no matter how bad things got there. I'd concentrate on addressing whatever threat they might pose of projecting their craziness over here.

    A country in which Boko Haram is running rampant is down the tubes. I feel horrible for its inhabitants, without believing for a minute that a darn thing can be done about them. My attention will be grabbed more easily by people who might still be helped.

  2. "Africa wins again."

  3. If only there were a catchy hashtag to describe the inexplicable disparity of outrage.

    Oh, wait....

  4. 19th century Britain would have no problem dealing with boko haram. (With modern weaponry, of course.) Modern western societies just do not have the will.
