Kings of England

If you're interested in this playful quiz matching you with one of the kings of England, have a go. I got "Henry V."


  1. Henry VI....

    Eric Hines

  2. Eric Blair9:42 PM

    How'd you get Henry VI? Heh.

    Henry V here. It would be fun to give Al Gore to the French.

  3. Henry V

    anyone see a pattern here?

  4. I know the price of the sanctions I'm wholly willing to impose, Mr Blair. So I'm at pains to delay until I've exhausted other remedies, and until I'm sure I've identified the right ones to be sanctioned.

    Eric Hines

  5. Well, Henry VI wasn't exactly good at avoiding war. His deference to his foreign-born wife and her favorites prompted more than one revolt, and led to the Wars of the Roses.

    You should have been Edward Confessor, perhaps.

  6. As for me, I was hoping for King Arthur. But perhaps he wasn't an option. Henry V is not a bad option among the ones whose reign dates are more certain.

  7. I think I got Henry V by opting for the slaughter of invaders but negotiations with anyone who wanted to secede. And as I recall, I didn't give Al Gore to the French, but I did dress him up like a bear and ask him to dance.

  8. Henri Cinq, aussi.

  9. Hahaha! I got Edward Longshanks!

    You are King Edward I! While the movie Braveheart depicts the king as a cruel and vicious man, the truth is not as black and white. Edward's early life consisted of helping his father King Henry III, to fight against rebel barons and lords who wanted to make England into a more oligarchical government instead of a feudal one ruled by kings. And so early on Edward had to face those who wanted to kill or imprison him and his father. Yet the king who would one day unite a kingdom once again, fight Scots in the north, and French on the continent, would also learn to "love" as well. Edward loved his wife Eleanor of Castile, and with her he raised a family of many, many children. His appreciation of Parliament and the rule of law, has also inspired modern historians to look back favorably on Edward I. Indeed the tall king may have been rough when it came to his enemies, but he lived in rough times and so he did what he felt right for his throne, family, and people.

  10. I suspect I got Henry VI, in par, because I declined to execute the private soldiers, but only the leadership, in response to a revolt. And for giving Al Gore to the French and having done with him.

    But then, it's your quiz that selected that king for me, and the options I would have selected (with my today's mindset, and not the one with which I would have been raised in those times) often were not available. And some of the answers' details struck my paranoid mind as trying to guide me into guessing for the historically correct answer.

    Eric Hines

  11. And avoiding a fight and reserving it for a last resort are two entirely different things.

    Eric Hines

  12. Longshanks had his moments, although he was still wrong about Scotland. But we won, so we can forgive that I suppose. :)

  13. Henry II.
    "You are King Henry II! Henry was the maternal grandson of Henry I, and had to fight against his own cousins for the right to rule. Henry was known for his foul temper, though it has been theorized that his outbursts may have been just for political "display." After all a lot about medieval politics consisted in appearance and actions in court. Henry's court following was huge and he ruled England and a great part of France as an empire. King Henry was not the most popular of kings, and not many mourned his death. His legal reforms however led the way for kings like Edward I to establish Parliament down the line, and as such should not be forgotten. Henry was a king who understood the importance of appearance, duty, and law, and as such he was perhaps one of the most complicated monarchs to understand in English history. Historians to this day still wonder what the man was all really about. "

  14. Can anyone post the description for Henry V?

  15. Sure thing.

    "You are Henry V! There never was and will likely be again a more threatening king on the side of England, on the battlefield. (Though Edward IV wasn't bad either.) In his youth the king was known for riotous behavior, but when his father passed he ascended to the throne and managed to keep the kingdom in tact during a very uncertain period, with conspiracies in England and wars in France against him. He was the king that writers dreamed about when they spoke of England's identity and its evolution as a nation. In historical terms he is still seen as being a warrior-king hero."
