Interesting Analogs

How about a former US Assistant Treasury Secretary and working economist who proposes we think of Iranian nuclear issue in the model of The Lord of the Rings? Picture that in your mind for a minute.

Did it look like this?
If we use J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings as a metaphor for the West, the West is Mordor and Washington is Sauron.

It is pointless for Iran to negotiate with the West in hopes of gaining acceptance. Iran is on the same list as Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, and Assad. The only way Iran can be accepted by the West is to consent to being an American puppet state. Suspicion about Iran’s nuclear energy program is a contrived issue. If it were not the nuclear issue, it would be some other contrived issue, such as weapons of mass destruction, use of chemical weapons, terrorism, and so forth. Iran’s leaders should understand that the real problem is Iran’s independence of Washington’s foreign and economic policies.


  1. I as going to comment on the ridiculousness of a point in the quote- then I checked the link. It's all ridiculousness. I wonder who funds this organization? It's founder is a favored RT contributor, at least so says Wikipedia.

  2. Don't give up yet! This is a really interesting case. The guy was in the Reagan administration, and was credited at the time with being one of the founders of Reaganomics.

    So the website is the mouthpiece of an organization called the Centre for Research on Globalisation. It's main dude, Chossudovsky, is was born Russian Jewish. His family emigrated to Canada, he's worked for Le Monde and the UN and Salvador Allende before the 1973 coup. He's a leftist dream.

    Who's paying for it? I think you know.

  3. Or not killing people. that could be part of it too.

  4. Grim, wow, the author is a real piece of work...
    Yeah, I probably do know who's funding them.

  5. I'm almost sure I can think of some states we're not sanctioning who aren't our puppet states. Some of them are pretty awful by my standards, but they manage to be marginally less awful than Iran. If not, they got too big and powerful by the time we saw the problem, and sanctions were no longer likely to be effective.
