
"John Edmark designed the sculptures using the Fibonacci sequence — the same found in most spiral shapes in nature — and then synchronized their rotation speed with a camera's shutter."


  1. I fell in love with the Fibonacci series in highschool. Many interesting properties, which contribute to its frequent use in visuals, such at this one. Best I have seen. Thank you.

  2. As Boston is gearing up for an Olympic 2024 bid - I am very much opposed - I am curious what your retrospective opinion on Atlanta 96 is.

  3. I did not enjoy the experience at all. I was in Atlanta in 1995 and 1996 every day, and the nonstop construction (on top of the ordinary construction in Atlanta) was very disruptive. The city itself was essentially inaccessible during the event itself, and the Olympic committee wasn't even very nice about it.

    The baseball stadium we turned the main Olympic stadium into is very nice, though.

  4. Order out of chaos, and beauty out of order. So cool.

  5. Nicely put, Tex. That's a great example of what I've been striving to explain to myself about where architecture (and perhaps the arts) should be heading- a return to first principles of beauty rooted in an understanding of nature and it's structures, and mastered to suit our needs and desires.

    Great stuff.
