Everything You Need To Know...

...about CENTCOM's Twitter account being hacked by ISIS/Daesh.


  1. That was great - thanks :p

    But seriously, didn't you know that CENTCOM posts all their sensitive data on Twitter?

    *running away*

  2. They actually do (or did) have a pretty robust web engagement program called the DET ("Digital Engagement Teams") that's aimed at responding to claims by Islamic extremists -- in several languages -- with factual material that readers can double-check if they don't believe it. It's run out of their PAO shop.

    So it's a legitimate field of encounter, and this is a minor ISIS victory. But it's really no more robust than having torn down a propaganda poster.

  3. Basically, it just makes them look stupid. But it's the digital equivalent of counting coup - not of breaching their firewall and accessing data not intended for public dissemination.

    Still makes us look bad though.

  4. "Them" in my first sentence meaning CENTCOM, not ISIS. Sheesh, I really am tired!
