
Jonah Goldberg:
When Hillary Clinton & Co. talk about how “it takes a village to raise a child” they’re invoking wisdom from what P. J. O’Rourke called the “ancient African kingdom of Hallmarkcardia” to make the case for vast new federal bureaucracies, taxes, programs, regulations, etc. But the phrase itself contains a lot of truth. Unlike bureaucrats in Washington, neighbors, teachers, pastors, coaches, coworkers, and friends can help raise your kids, in ways large and small. Real communities involve extended networks of trust and goodwill. Fake communities have regulations, fees, subsidies, and checklists.


  1. Seconded. From experience to keeping the kids for an hour while you run errands, benefits without forms to fill out.

  2. Gringo1:59 PM

    Link to Goldberg quote. He writes about the difficulties of single parenthood, and how rich single parent liberals often don't realize how much more difficult it is to be a single parent with little money.

  3. Thanks for the link. I got mine via email, and couldn't figure out where it was on the 'net. It's a good point, about how wealthy people can get away with all kinds of things that are terrible ideas for those with stretched resources, whether it's single parenthood with the help of lots of nannies, or drunk driving when you can afford Uber when you lose your license and still need to get to work.
