Bringing the Hammer

The payoff comes two minutes, twenty-eight seconds in.

That guy might have been President, these last six years.


  1. I didn't think he had it in him. He campaigned like a little weenie, and to judge from his nearly daily appearances in front of the cameras since 2012, he was determined to maintain the same tone in the Senate.

  2. It's not a bad tone, honestly. It's a shame his intent to treat his opponents courteously made him seem weak, because he's not weak. Not that one.

  3. I think the problem is, he needs to get personally offended before the iron comes out. If he's personally invested, he has all the resolve you could want. When he does not feel that it is his neck or reputation on the line, he is far too conciliatory.

  4. On the topics I care about his resolution is for policies I abhor. Domestic ones, anyway. All he seems to care about is reaching across the aisle, not for whether the policy makes sense. Disappointing in a man with obvious courage.

  5. I have rarely been more depressed than when McCain got the nomination. Whatever his strengths or weaknesses as a Senator, I think he is tempermentally unsuited to be President.

  6. I understand depression at Presidential nominations.
